
Saturday, February 20, 2010


I had an opportunity to workout at my first crossfit gym this past summer in Peru. My friend Jaime had started Crossfit Peru after hearing about crossfit from another friend, Andy on our Peru trip a few years back. After running into Jaime in Huaraz we made plans for a guest visit at his gym in Lima for a few weeks from then. Getting directions from people on the street for a crossfit gym gets you even more weird looks than it would in the states. Eventually I found it... and Jaime's WOD slayed me. After six weeks of alpine climbing heavy power cleans left me sore for a week.

Anyhow, Jaime had a competition for getting weird reactions from people by doing burpees in strange spots.


Winners get some Crossfit Peru t-shirts. So, these pictures are for Jaime:

My first 2K row... so brutal... so awesome. Thankfully I had the "Fight Club" soundtrack on my IPOD.


- said...

Nate, what was your 2k time on the erg? what are some 'typical' crossfit times for that?

Nate Farr said...

My time was 7m11s. I think had I paced myself better (read: not gone for an all-out spring on the last 500m) I could have gotten under 7m. I don't know what "good" times are per se. I've seen some guys I think are pretty fit posting in the upper end of 6m. I'm just starting to use the rower so I don't have a good gauge yet.

- said...

I think 7:11 is pretty good. Generally, lightweight collegiate rowers (under 150lb) would do 6:35-6:55 and heavyweight guys more like 6:05-6:25. Erging is the real deal.

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